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The decision to go vegan primarily refers to practicing a diet that is based exclusively on plant-based foods. But there’s so much more to the story. It seems that with the intensification of the debate on environmental protection, there are more and more people who, at least in their diet, turn to plants and give up meat and other foods of animal origin, which have been proven to harm the overall state of our planet.
It has never been more important to be aware of the consequences we as human beings have on the planet. Reducing the usage of fossil fuels is slowly proving to be not such a good solution for reducing the damage we have inflicted on the planet, making it very clear that the change has to happen on the individual level, first. Find out more about the positive effects a vegan diet has on the environment on
Even though switching to plant-based has never been easier than now, with all the mean and comfort food substitutes, it still comes with challenges. And according to many, the toughest part of being on such a diet is the food or struggling with what to eat when you’re at work, out for a lunch or dinner date, etc. A lot of our socializing involves food, and if your friends don’t share the same eating habits, it can be a challenge.
But, There’s A Solution, Of Course…

No matter what diet you follow, you’ve probably heard about the benefits of meal planning from its many evangelists. It’s a kitchen strategy that saves money, reduces waste, and eliminates confusion during the week about what a family meal will be. But if you follow a vegan diet or are thinking about switching to one, meal planning can be even more lifesaving.
Vegan meal plans usually require a little more preparation: more chopping of vegetables and a few special ingredients. When you take the time to plan, shop, and prepare, dinner is almost always easier, faster, and more relaxing than if you had to run to the grocery store late in the afternoon to pick up last-minute items.
One of the hardest things about being vegan can be sharing food. If you’re cooking for the whole family, that might mean making two meals: a plant-based one for you and something else for them. However, if you get family input during meal planning sessions, it is possible to make dinners for everyone. Ask your crew to help you choose the recipes you’ve tagged based on what looks good to them.

After all, it’s worth the campaign of persuasion to make one delicious and healthy plant-based meal for everyone.
More and more people are choosing a vegan diet, which can be a good life change. However, you should also be aware of what this diet brings with it. There are loads of positive stuff, for example, it has been shown that vegans sleep better, are slimmer, and their faces are cleaner, but they often suffer from bloating and brittle bones.
As we said, most of the changes are good, but there are some that you should watch out for. Here’s a list of what you may expect when you switch to plant-based.
A Much Better Sleep

As a rule, vegans consume more fiber and less saturated fat, which is the right recipe for good sleep, studies have shown. Also, a diet based on grains and vegetables, such as potatoes and rice, stimulates the secretion of serotonin, which also guarantees good sleep and a happier life.
Slimmer Line
Due to the lower intake of cholesterol, protein, and saturated fat, it has been shown that vegans are less likely to be overweight. They are slimmer and do not tend to gain weight. This is, of course, if you do not opt for pastries in a majority of your meals.
On The Other Hand… Hormonal Imbalance Is Possible

Soy can be a good meat substitute, but too much soy can disrupt the work of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for hormonal balance. That’s why it’s good to look for other meat substitutes such as chickpeas or lentils
Arthritis Won’t Be An Issue
Butter, cheese, and burgers can cause inflammatory processes in the joints because they are full of saturated fat. This is not the case with vegans, which means that a diet based on fruits and vegetables can help in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
You’re Being Gifted A Different Taste In Things

When you replace food full of sugar, salt, and fat with food based on herbs, your senses will become more intense and subtle, so you will feel new aromas better.
Bloating Problem
If you eat too many sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage as part of a vegan diet, it can cause bloating because the body cannot easily process so much fiber. To keep your stomach working properly on a vegan diet, you need to drink plenty of water every day.
Clearer Skin

It’s no secret that what we eat directly affects our complexion. Studies have shown that a vegan diet is excellent in the fight against acne and in general for skin health. Foods rich in antioxidants will be a real refresher for your complexion. Again, if you plan your meals well, and control your pastries.
An Unpleasant Smell Is Possible
Like meat, vegetables and fruits can affect your body odor. Many of them contain sulfur, such as cabbage and onions. If you overdo it, your sweat and breath may feel bad.
More Energy

Vegans have been shown to have more energy than others. The body digests fruits and vegetables more easily, so it is not overloaded and then work more easily. As a result, we are more mobile and energetic and have more energy than when we load ourselves with heavy food.
According to some, a vegan diet means you have less calcium and vitamin D compared to non-vegans. However, this thesis has not been entirely examined, since vitamin D is still a mystery to many scientists.
Challenges aside, the fact that you’re contributing to saving the planet is enough, and if you truly feel the change needs to take place, there’s no better decision than going plant-based.