4 Things You Need To Know About National Provider Identifier Numbers (NPI)

A National Provider Identifier number is a ten-digit numeral identifier that recognizes an individual healthcare provider or facility. These NPI digits are shared with different providers, health plans, payers, and employers for billing purposes. HIPAA’s Administration Simplification Regulation required a standard, unique medical identifier for each healthcare provider. His NPI final rule in 2004 made … Read more

The Unexpected Health Benefits Of Wearing A Compression Socks

Compression socks are specifically made to press down certain areas to preserve blood circulation, alleviate pain, and minimize inflammation in your feet and legs. Speciality socks help treat and aid several health concerns while keeping the foot parched, comfortable, and at ease. They minimize inflammation and ache and lessen unwanted fluids in the limbs. Furthermore, … Read more

How Advanced Technologies Are Changing The Casino Industry 

An Introduction The overall advancement of human society could not have happened without the constant progress and the improvement of the technology used. As technology changes and adapts over the centuries and the millenia, so does the way we live. When the way humans live changes, things become better, more optimal, and more accessible. In … Read more

15 Best Budget Indoor Grills 2024 – According to Experts

best budget indoor grills

Indoor grills are a lot similar to an outdoor grill, it has a heating element and a grill like cooking surface and while you have to flip foods to cook evenly just like outdoor grill however it is believed to give you a much more authentic experience and the flavor is closer to the real … Read more

20 Best Hand Mixers 2024 – Review & Buying Guide

Hand mixers are just the thing for quick tasks when it comes to heavy-duty mixing, you are going to need a quality hand mixer to give you a smooth job and saves time also, hand mixers can be a bit pricey hence hand mixers are just what you need to help with your everyday baking. … Read more

Can I Keep Succulents In My Room?

Succulent plant

Succulents are really great plants that love sunlight and they do need about six hours of sun in a day which is one of the reasons lots of people wonder if it can be kept indoor. Succulents are a group of plants that has common features due to the same habitat conditions and they are becoming … Read more

Can I Drink During Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting isn’t just a weight-loss strategy although there is good evidence that this is an effective weight loss plan but can also be used to maintain overall body health. Intermittent fasting specifically means that you consume your meals during a specific window day and you will need to experiment, get your body to adjust to the … Read more

Can I Drink Coffee With Sugar During Intermittent Fasting?

What is allowed during intermittent fasting? There are several ways of doing intermittent fasting and this fasting method is not just for a weight loss strategy or used to lose fat quickly while maintaining a lean muscle mass rather it could help achieve a healthy body system and diet. Coffee is a popular brewed drink prepared … Read more

Can Cactus Purify Air? (The Ultimate Cactus Guide)

Cactus has been seeping into many air products recently and we wonder what the benefits behind this plant, it is known to have amazing benefits and great to have as a houseplant, decorating around the house with a cactus plant can help redirect all the negative energy around the house, balance the house energy flow and creates … Read more