vegetables to plant at home

10 Best Vegetables to Plant In Your Home Now

Vegetables offer varieties of health benefits and the idea of growing vegetables at home is becoming more appealing and to start you need to know some of the best and healthiest vegetables that can be planted indoors.

Growing vegetables indoors are becoming increasingly popular and the easiest way to plant vegetables in your kitchen garden is from seed, they are also low maintenance vegetables and you don’t even need a garden space for some of these vegetables.

Planting vegetables in your home helps you save money spent on fresh veggies at the supermarket and in some cases, you can regrow your veggies from scrap which is less expensive and has a higher success rate.

Vegetables are great to be included in your diet to provide you with all the nutrients you need, they are filled with antioxidants, fiber vitamins, and minerals, eating vegetables and fruits every day can lower blood pressure and help you lose weight as well.

No space for an outdoor vegetable?

This shouldn’t be a problem as they are healthy vegetables that are easy to plant in your home and they are incredibly cost-efficient and since natural light can be a challenge when growing indoor, we have compiled a list of the best indoor vegetables.

10 Best Vegetables to Plant In Your Home Now

To plan your vegetable home, the current temperature is important, this helps you decide what vegetables can be planted and what not to plant so as not to waste your time and energy growing the wrong veggies, so to make things easier for you we have curated a list of the best vegetables to plant in your home now.

1. Tomatoes

Are Banana peels Good For Tomato Plants?Image: Envato Elements

Tomatoes are heavy feeders and it is a nutrient-dense food for you to try growing in your garden.

Tomatoes require full sun to grow however they are easy to care for and maintain, due to a relatively long seasoning, they are most commonly transplanted instead of grown directly and you will need to decide on a support plan before you set out to grow your plants.

Tomatoes are great vegetables to have planted in any home and it doesn’t matter if you are new to tomato planting, learning to care for them is easy.

2. Spinach

Spinach is another popular vegetable to plant during this period, it is one of the most satisfying cool weather crops to grow and it is also easy to care for.

The vegetable can be started indoors a couple of weeks earlier and it can be grown in a pot or container which allows you to harvest it before it is dined on by some four-leg critters.

There are various varieties of spinach and they are all packed full of iron, potassium, folic acid, and also high in vitamin A and C.

3. Turnip

Turnips are very versatile crops and the best place to place them is in your backyard vegetable garden, they grow well in full sun and rich loose potting mix.

Turnips should not be transplanted once it is established so place turnips directly where you want them to grow.

4. Cauliflower

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Planting cauliflower at home requires water consistently during germination and growth, it also needs soil rich in organic matters and timing is also very important to catch the right temperature if you are growing cauliflower in your home.

The best time to plant most varieties of cauliflower is in the spring so they can grow and produce their flower heads before the summer’s hot temperature is up.

5. Scallions

It is important to learn how to grow scallions before you start and it can be easily transplanted once you see about 2-3 inches of green growth into well-draining soil, marbles, or river rock

Just like other onions, scallions prefer well-drained soil and full sun to grow, they are by far the easiest form of vegetables to grow at home now.

6. Brussels Sprouts

Brussel sprout is an excellent source of calcium, iron, and magnesium, it is also high in vitamin A, B6, and C which makes it a great vegetable to have planted at home.

Select a site full with full sun and rich soil to plant your Brussels and you should also provide it with steady and consistent moisture.

One cup of Brussels florets provides you with 130 percent of your daily vitamin requirements and they are more flavourful when allowed to mature in cool weather.

7. Lettuce

10 Best Vegetables to Plant In Your Home Now

Lettuce is easy going and low maintenance vegetables to plant in your home and quite popular as well, it is super healthy and versatile.

Lettuce plants can definitely stay healthy indoor however you will need to provide it with plenty of sunlight or keep them under artificial light until you are ready to move them into the garden.

8. Beets

Beets are very high in potassium, iron and packed with vitamins and minerals, this vegetable is also very low in calories and has been linked to lowering blood pressure hence they will make a great addition to your indoor garden during spring or fall.

Beets roots are at there best when they are harvested small which is between one and two inches across. They are not just healthy and delicious but really simple to grow indoors.

9. Pumpkin

The pumpkin is a popular vegetable for indoor and outdoor gardening however it requires a long growing season which means you need to plant them late in May in northern locations to early July in extremely southern states.

Pumpkins do best when the seeds are planted directly in the ground and the seeds grow and germinate quickly.

10. Kale

Kale is another popular vegetable and this is a green leafy cruciferous vegetable that is very rich in nutrients, it contains fiber, vitamin C, and manganese.

Studies show that kale can provide you with lots of benefits and can prevent various health problems.

In Conclusion

Indoor kitchen gardens are becoming increasingly popular and growing the best vegetable in your kitchen is easy provided you choose the right plants that are best grown indoor and it is also incredibly cost-efficient and also the best way to cut down on weekly grocery costs.

Growing your own vegetables is not only convenient but you are also getting the most nutrients from having it harvested and consumed fresh, above are some of the best vegetables to grow and they can be grown in containers.

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